
What to Expect?

Mandy uses both top-down and bottom-up art therapy interventions, depending on the issues the client is facing or which stage of the therapeutic process, the client is at.

Using a top-down approach means that the session has more structure and specific instructions. For example: “Find some images in these magazines that represent a place you enjoy being / a place you find relaxing and safe. You are going to use these pictures to create a collage…”

Often when a top-down art therapy intervention is used, an object will be made, which the client can take home as a reminder of the session.

On the contrary, when a bottom-up approach is used the client is guided and supported to become aware of their senses, make contact with the art materials and express themselves using the art materials. Sometimes there may be a lot of silence during the session wherein the client focuses deeply on the process and what they are physically, mentally, and emotionally experiencing. Followed by some discussion and cognitive processing of what is occurring within the session. This enables the client to make sense of what they have experienced and how that relates to their everyday life. In this case, the client takes home a shift in their body memory and consequently they often notice positive changes occurring in their daily life with regard to how they perceive situations and how they react.


Each session is 50minutes long. How many sessions a person requires will differ depending on the individual’s history, what their goals are and what they are wanting to achieve. If you decide that this type of therapy is not for you, it is fine to cease therapy. The memories of your art therapy experience will be unique and it may be a therapy that you return to at another time in your life, when you are more ready.


Yes your sessions are protected by client confidentiality. 


Private, individual sessions are $140 (Health Insurance rebates available).


Group sessions are $45-70 per person.


The NDIS Price Guide for art therapy is $190 per session (+ travel if required).


The NDIS Price Guide for counselling sessions is $150 per session (+travel if required).


I am able to see clients in their home, at their school, workplace or in my studio.


Online sessions are also available.

Art Therapy Online

Online Art Therapy sessions are available for those who are not able to attend in person. Please ask about this option if you need to.

Workshops and Groups

I also offer workshops and run groups by request. Your organisation might require just a one off for team building / retreat or you may require regular group therapy.